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About Rebecca Tucker, CPA

Our company specializes in accounting and tax preparation services for a wide variety of clients. With many years of experience, we specialize in:

  • Tax return filing and tax planning for individuals
  • Bookkeeping and financial statements for small businesses
  • Business tax return filing and tax planning
  • Payroll tax services
  • Texas franchise tax reports
  • IRS notices, letter and audits
  • Reviews

Visit the Services area of our site for additional details.

Feel free to contact the office anytime. We're here to help.  


Kathy Roper -

Darla Torres -

Janice Hurst -

Georgeanna Tucker -

Jennifer Crow -

Elaine Elliott -

Rebecca Tucker -


OUR PRIVACY POLICY:  Your privacy is secure.  YOUR INFORMATION:  Your non-public personal information is collected from various sources - information received from you or your authorized representative on tax organizers, worksheets, client questionnaires, applications and other financial documentation you provide, information you or your authorized representative provide via personal interviews, texts, telephone conversations, faxes and emails, information about your transactions with the firm, and information received about you from consumer reporting agencies, if background or credit checks are conducted on your behalf, or government agencies.  NON-DISCLOSURE:  Your non-public personal information is not disclosed to any person or party, except as required by law or with your consent to release, to facilitate filing your tax return, or to prepare financial statements.  Upon closing your account, your non-public personal information will not be disclosed to any person or party unless required by law or with your consent to release.  SECURITY:  Access to your information is restricted in a variety of ways:  only to those employees who have a need to know in order to provide products or services to you and physical security, electronic security safeguards and strict procedural measures consistent with federal standards are in place to protect your non-public personal information.  Your privacy is important.  Please trust that protecting your information is equally important.

Send Us a Message

We would love to hear from you!

254-772-5750 Fax: 254-776-3949

Get clarity on your tax and accounting situation